July, 2024 Tiruvanamalai, South India

the revelation, Vancouver 2001

Cheonyeo Gwishin (virgin ghost) Busan South Korea,2019

practicing in India, 2018

Tabo Monastary, north India, 1995

The Salt People, Nelson B.C., 2007

Montreal studio, 2015

performance in Jeju city South Korea, with butoh dancer Gio Ju, 2019

in studio, Nelson B.C. Canada, 2008

Espace Robert Poulin, Montreal , 2013

performance on Jeju island South Korea with Gio ju, 2019

Jeju city, South Korea 2019

Ryozenji Temple, Japan, 1994

Jeju city, South Korea, 2019

Touchstones museumNelson, Canada 2007

International artists in Jeju city, South Korea, 2019

Spring Scream music festival with Jonathan Huck, Taiwan, 1998


An artist interested in multi-cultural, multi-dimensional, multi-media expressions to engage with the outer and inner world at large.

Nathan Bartley was born Feb. 2nd, 1971 in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. He spent his childhood in Brantford Ont., eventually attending the University of Guelph, earning an Honours Bachelor of Arts, specializing in visual art.

After graduating he flew to Japan with fifty dollars and a one way ticket and by pure luck was allowed entrance.. While there he stayed at a 600 year old Buddhist temple named Ryozenji and practiced his drawing and brush skills while learning about meditation and teaching English in the nearby city. From Japan he went on to transformative India. The Kalachakra ceremony and a near death experience in Varanasi and many other expansive experiences went on to provide the seeds for his work to come. He visited India 3 times and worked and lived in Taiwan for 2 years.

Returning to Canada having worked in parts of Africa and Asia, he set out to experience his own country. Leaving Toronto and hitchhiking his way north he found work at a First Nation’s traditional revival camp an hour by boat from Dawson City named Ancient Voices Wilderness camp. The Yukon fed his artistic growth both through the experience of the land and the immersion into the beautiful and ancient first nations culture.

It wasn’t until the age of 30 that Nathan decided that a more permanent studio was necessary thus initiating a move to British Columbia. Arriving in Vancouver in 2001 he was fortunate to be given a 17000 sqft abandoned nightclub as his studio and home. It was here that he created his first true series of works. He eventually settled in Nelson B.C. where he stayed for 12 years. It was in Nelson that he dove deep into developing his language and honing his artistic skills, having many shows and sales. But after some time he desired the interaction with artists working in a more cosmopolitan environment.

Nathan lived and worked in Montreal, Quebec from 2012 on.. He participated in many group shows, three solo shows and became part of several collections. Also drawing sustenance from the highly artistic community in the Mile End. Although he still holds a studio in Montreal his last five years has been mostly in Tiruvannamala, South India, creating many works, and exploring Advaita Vedanta at the Ramana Maharishi ashram. His work is continuously evolving and growing and is influenced by the multi-cultural life style that he has experienced, with recent exhibition and performances in South Korea, and future invitations to explore the ancient myths and stories of Korea. And so his artistic adventure continues.


Honours Bachelor of Art.

Major in fine art, 1995

University of Guelph

Guelph, Ontario. Canada

Insta-gram nathan bartley artist

facebook messenger Nathan Bartley, Montreal

e-mail: nathanweb@execulink.com
